Ministry Vision
To build a multigenerational church in which every generation is dependent upon the other and seen as an essential part of the body of Christ.
Mission Statement
Our mission is for each one to grow as disciples of Christ and actively share Him in our communities.
- Organized – 1833
- Church Building Erected – 1849
- Chandelier acquired from State Capitol – 1919
- Annex Built – 1924
- Building Remodeled -1938
- Sanctuary Redecorated– 1962, 2009
- Educational Building Erected – 1973
- Addition to Educational Building – 1979
- Sanctuary Turned Around – 1979
- Narthex Expansion and Elevator – 2003
What We Believe
- We value obedience to Jesus Christ in all situations.
- We value each individual as one who matters to God.
- We value dependence on and confidence in God’s ability to do more than we can ask or imagine; therefore, we are willing to take risks and expect that God will surprise us.
- We value Christ honoring, culturally relevant worship.
- We value evangelistic outreach ministry to those who do not yet belong to Christ and the church.
- We value each believer growing in Christ likeness and serving in ministry based on their spiritual gifts.
- We value vital reproducing congregations.
- We value trained, committed and competent leaders (pastors and lay persons).
- We value Christian unity within a diverse body of faith.
- We value accountability among believers and congregations.
Our doctrinal beliefs are solidly evangelical with belief in Jesus Christ as the bedrock foundation. Specific beliefs are listed in the booklet, We Believe, which can be viewed on our denominational website,, and then scrolling in the right margin to “Updated ‘We Believe’ document.”
We are a sister church of the denomination, Churches of God, General Conference, based in Findlay, OH, and regionally are part of the Eastern Regional Conference (, Churches of God, General Conference, with offices in Harrisburg, PA.
We practice the following ordinances: Baptism of believers (by immersion), Feetwashing, and The Lord’s Supper.