Camp Hill Church of God is devoted to the nurturing of children in learning the word of God. Our teachers empower our children to mature in their love and understanding of the Bible and to learn of Jesus’s love for them. Our Nursery is staffed and available during our Sunday Services.
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church. This designation is given to churches that adopt high minimum standards to better ensure that children in our care will be in a safe, loving and nurturing environment. All teachers have been cleared by the PA Department of Welfare.
Sunday Morning Church Services
8:15 Traditional Church Service*
10:40 Contemporary Church Service*
*Children are encouraged to attend church services with their families. Midway through the service, children are provided an opportunity to attend Junior Church (ages K to 3rd grade). These classes teach bible stories along with craft and fun activities.
Children’s Sunday School Hour at 9:30am
Children ages 2 to 12 meet in our music room to sing songs of praise and joy before going to age appropriate classrooms.
2-3 Year Olds – This room introduces toddlers to Jesus and God by teaching age appropriate Bible Stories like Noah’s Ark and Jonah and the Whale. Concepts like “God Loves Me”, Sharing, Love and Kindness are taught.
Beginner’s – Ages 4 to Kindergarten explores children’s further understanding of God’s plan for their lives through Bible Lessons. The life of Jesus and his teachings are taught. The values of the Fruit of the Spirit- love, sharing, joy, goodness and gentleness are taught.
Primary –1st and 2nd graders are taught Biblical lessons that help to introduce the concept of faith, prayer, and salvation. The Bible is introduced and is read throughout the class.
Juniors – 3rd to 5th graders continue to learn the lessons of the Bible and discuss how the word of God affects their lives.
Other Youth Opportunities
Kid’s Kamp – For Pre-K to 5th grades is our Midweek Wednesday night ministry. We meet 6pm to 7 pm from late August to mid-May for lots of fun and an opportunity to make new friends.
Vacation Bible School – Held for 1 week during the summer for ages 2 to 12 from our church and local community to learn about the Bible through song, devotions, crafts and games.